Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Harry Potter Fanfiction

He turned back to Harry. “You’ll soon find out some wizarding families are much better than others, Potter. You don’t want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there.”

Harry wasn’t accustomed to being part of any crowd, much less the “wrong sort”. He had been so taken aback by the friendliness of the wizarding community toward him that he was feeling rather out of sorts all together. At first glance, Ron Weasley and his family hadn’t seemed terribly put-together, but they certainly had a grasp on one thing that Harry had never experienced: a family bond. Imagine if he had older brothers who had experienced the same things he was now experiencing and parents who were looking out for his best interest, just as Ron’s seemed to be. Better yet, imagine having parents at all. Harry reminded himself not to let his mind wander to what might have been and focus instead on putting together a response for Draco Malfoy.

Harry cleared his throat and mustered a quiet, “Thank you, Draco.” Draco continued to fix his gaze on Harry as Ron squirmed uneasily in his seat. When Harry didn’t offer anything else, Draco was clearly displeased. “Well, it seems you’re not much for taking advice from those who know how to give it,” Draco hissed, “Perhaps you’re not worth all the fuss that people have been making anyway…we shall see.” Crabbe and Goyle glanced at each other and nodded their heads in smug approval. “Come on, boys, let’s leave the legend alone with his red-headed, freckled friend.” Draco quickly exited the train compartment, his long robe flowing behind him and his posse not far behind.

“Well, I never….” Ron said with a twisted look of disgust. “Isn’t he just the image of his father?”

Harry wasn’t sure what to think about the entire situation, but one thing was certain: Harry hadn’t seen the end of Draco Malfoy.

I chose to add to the scene with Draco Malfoy for several reasons. One, I really do like the characters from Harry Potter. Two, I enjoyed this particular scene, especially knowing the type of relationship that Harry and Draco have in the rest of the series. Lastly, I'm not too keen on the characters in Twilight and wanted to try my hand with the Potter boy. My only disappointment was that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make Harry like Draco. I know too much about both of them, which caused me some frustration. I wasn't really a fan of fanfiction when I read it, and I have to admit, I'm not much good at it either. I think I'll stick to analyzing the characters and plot as the author intended from now on.

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